Wonwoo Lee is a Korean artist living and working in Seoul.
2007 B.A Hong-ik University, Seoul, Korea
2012 M.A Royal College of Art, London, UK
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Cloudsmith, Replat, Seoul, Korea
2023 YOUR BEAUTIFUL FUTURE, PKM Gallery, Seoul Korea
2022 SMXLL, Working With Friend, Seoul, Korea
2022 YBF <Your Beautiful Future>, Postpoetics, Seoul, Korea
2017 Lost & Found in the Ball, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea
2017 How’s the weather tomorrow?, PKM Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2016 Happy Meal, Elephant art, Seoul, Korea
2016 Hanghwatang Resort, Hanghwatang, Seoul, Korea
2013 Welcome, Take Care, PKM Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 WELL DONE, GOOD LUCK, Gallery Loop, Seoul, Korea
2002 13.1, Gallery 13.1, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibitions
Un-boxing project, New Spring Project, Seoul, Korea
Make a wish, (Buk)Sema, Seoul, Korea
Flyby, Prompt Project, Seoul, Korea
Time/Perspectives, Working With Friend, Seoul, Korea
Another Materiality, Hong-ik Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Changwon, Korea
Dear you are my paper, Humor Garmgot, Seoul, Korea
My Sleep, Culture Station 284, Seoul, Korea
V8, Cylinder, N/A, Seoul, Korea
A way of Appreciation: Slowly, Quietly and Excitingly, Royal X, Hwaseong, Korea
‘Empty, Place – Shape of New House’, Seoul Artist’s Platform, Seoul, Korea
Encounter, Eum Hall, Seoul, Korea
2021 Zer01 Day, Hyundai Motor Service Center at Wonhyo-ro, Seoul, Korea
Korean Eye, Lotte World Mall. Seoul, Korea
The House of Dream, D Museum, Seoul, Korea
Time in Space : The Life Style, PKM Gallery, Seoul, Korea
AI vs AI <Artificial Intelligence vs Artistic Intelligence>, CYLINDER, Seoul, Korea
2020 ZER01NE Open Studio P:LAYER’S, ZER01NE Studio, Seoul, Korea
Korean Eye, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
‘Gihoekheon’ <Grill Art Award>, Oil Tank Culture Park, Seoul, Korea
To the Moon with Snoopy, Wooyang Museum, Gyeongju, Korea
Attitude, Korean Government Complex, Seoul, Korea
Korean Eye, Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Sculptor, Korean Government Complex, Seoul, Korea
To the moon with snoopy, Lotte Museum, Seoul, Korea
Place Publique, Darling Foundry, Montreal, Canada
SIMPLE 2019 : Home, Chang Ucchin Museum of Art yangju, Yangju, Korea
Good Night (Energy Flesh), Hyundai Card Storage, Seoul, Korea
2018 SeMA Collection (Multi-Access), SeMA, Seoul, Korea
NaNa Land, Savina Museum, Seoul, Korea
Wonderful space for all (forthcoming), Culture station 284, Seoul, Korea
EXIT, Daelim Museum Project Space, Seoul, Korea
Of tongues and hands, Nars Foundation, New York, USA
Fall 2017 AIR Exhibition, Nars Foundation, New York, USA
Elephant art & goods fair exhibition, Elephant art, Seoul, Korea
Please don’t tell, Studio concrete Daesun mill factory, Seoul, Korea
APMAP Yongsan, Yongsan family park, Seoul, Korea
Dark matter, Boontheshop Cheongdam, Seoul, Korea
10 contemporary, PKM gallery, Seoul, Korea
Funk Me, Demian Chapter 1. Two worlds, House studio, Seoul, Korea
Stream, Streaming Persona, PKM Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Mariah Carey, Seendosi, Seoul, Korea
Festiva 284, Culture station 284, Seoul, Korea
Dear_DTLA, Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles, LA, USA
Low Technology, Sema, Seoul, Korea
Gate opener, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China
A garden of million layers, Nami island, Gyeonggi, Korea
Ode to youth, HoMA, Seoul, Korea
APMAP 2014 Between Waves, Amorepacific museum, Jeju, Korea
6-8, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea
Root of relation, Songzhuang Museum, Beijing, China
Korea Tomorrow, Hangaram Museum Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
It supposed to be Black & white, Sema Nanji Gallery, Seoul, Korea
4 dialogue, Sema Nanji Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Artist’s portfolio, Savina museum, Seoul, Korea
Sema Nanji Residency open studio, Seoul, Korea
Fusing Word, Hoxton Arches Gallery, London, UK
Muse London Seoul, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea
When I spoke its name, it came to me and became a flower, 7 Rue Gustave Nadaud 75016 Paris, France
Coutts Cowley Manor Arts Award, Cowley Manor, UK
RCA degree show, RCA, London, UK
Muse London, Korean Culture Centre, London, UK
Bitter, Sweet, Thunder space, Hanmi gallery, London, UK
Artists at work: Process recorded, Korean Culture Centre, London, UK
Education Gap, Sculpture Studio RCA, London, UK
Future of Pump House, Pump House Gallery, London, UK
RCA Interim Show, Henry Moore Gallery, London, UK
ZHdK + STUDIO-B, project space between, London, UK
Space Project Sculpture, Sculpture project Space RCA, London, UK
RCA Secret, Gulbenkian Gallery, London, UK
Mullae Art Factory Opening Exhibition, Mullae Art Factory, Seoul, Korea
SSamzie Sound Art 201, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea (Joketta project)
Suh Gyo 60, Gallery Sangsang madang, Seoul, Korea (Joketta project)
Appetizer, Alternative Space, miccle, Seoul, Korea
10 scènes, Hong-ik University, Seoul, Korea
Sliding the Hong, Alternative Space Miccle, seoul, Korea
Pick & Picks, Art Space Hue, Seoul, Korea
Wake Up Andy Warhol, Ssamzie gil, Seoul, Korea
3days Only, Dukwon Gallery, seoul, Korea
Coutts Cowley Manor Arts Award Winner
2022 HIAP, Helsinki, Finland (forthcoming)
2019 Fondrie Darling, International residence exchange program of MMCA Residency Goyang, Montreal, Canada
2019 MMCA Goyang Residency, Goyang, Korea
2017 NARS Foundation, New York, US
2013 Sema nanji Residency, Seoul, Korea
2005-present a member of performance team(…Joketta project)
Silent Syllable, Arario Museum in Space, Seoul, Korea
Silent Syllable, Arario Museum Top-dong cinema, Jeju, Korea
LUNCH BOX, SEMA, Seoul, Korea
Sound art 201, Ssamzie space, Seoul, Korea
Seogyo 60, Gallery Sangsangmadang, Seoul, Korea
Alternative voice, Moonji cultural institute Saii, Seoul, Korea
U-T Collaboration, UNIQLO
Movie in Art, Art in Movie, Chungmu gallery, Seoul, Korea
Special Wednesday, LIG art hall, Seoul, Korea
Heyri Art Festival, Heyri, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Desiguel launching collaboration, Won gallery, Seoul, Korea
ONE LOVE festival, NIKE
Pick & Pick,Ssamzie space, Seoul, Korea
adidas adicolor launching collaboration, ADIDAS
Chungdam Art Festival opening performance, Chungdam, Seoul, Korea
Rebirth, 13.1 Gallery, Seoul, Korea
we‘ll come, hotel W, second hotel, Seoul, Korea
2007 홍익대학교 조소과 졸업, 서울, 한국
2012 M.A Royal College of Art, 런던, 영국
2005~현재 퍼포먼스팀 ‘…좋겠다 프로젝트’ 멤버
2018 아티스트 콜렉티브 ‘MLH’
구름을 만드는 대장장이, 리플렛, 서울, 한국
당신의 아름다운 미래, PKM 갤러리, 서울, 한국
SMXLL, Working With Friend, 서울, 한국
YBF <Your Beautiful Future> 당신의 아름다운 미래, Postpoetics, 서울, 한국
무도장의 분실물 센터, 아트선재센터, 서울, 한국
내일 날씨 어때?, PKM 갤러리, 서울, 한국
행복한 식사, Elephant art, 서울, 한국
행화탕 리조트, 행화탕 프로젝트, 서울, 한국
Welcome, Take Care, PKM 갤러리, 서울, 한국
WELL DONE, GOOD LUCK, 대안공간 루프, 서울, 한국
Gallery 13.1 opening, Gallery 13.1, 서울, 한국
Un-boxing project. 뉴스프링 프로젝트. 서울, 한국
소원을 말해봐, 북서울시립미술관, 서울, 한국
Flyby, 프롬프트 프로젝트, 서울, 한국
포옹 <단단하고 부드러운>, 민복진미술관, 양주, 한국 ,<예정>
SeMA 공용 공간 프로젝트 《커플링》, 서울시립미술관, 서울, 한국 <예정>
시/차, 워킹위드프렌드, 서울, 한국
또 다른 물성, 홍익대학교 현대미술관, 서울, 한국
창원조각비엔날레, 창원, 한국
당신은 나의 종이, 유머감각, 서울, 한국
나의 잠, 문화역서울284, 서울, 한국
V8, 실린더, N/A, 서울, 한국
감각의 발견_느리게, 조용히, 신나게, 로얄엑스, 경기도 화성, 한국
‘텅,빈,곳_새 집의 모양’, 예술청, 서울, 한국
대화의 시원, 장애인 문화재단, 서울, 한국
Zer01 Day, 현대자동차 원효로 정비공장, 서울, 한국
The House of Dream, 디뮤지엄, 서울 한국
코리안 아이, 롯데월드몰, 서울, 한국
Time in Space : The Life Style, PKM 갤러리, 서울, 한국
AI vs AI <Artificial Intelligence vs Artistic Intelligence>, CYLINDER, 서울, 한국
2020 ZER01NE 오픈스튜디오 P:LAYER’S, ZER01NE 스튜디오, 서울, 한국
코리안 아이, 사치갤러리, 런던, 영국
‘기획전’ <그릴 아트 어워드>, 문화비축기지, 서울, 한국
To the Moon with Snoopy, 우양미술관, 경주, 한국
태도, 정부종합청사 갤러리, 서울, 한국
코리안 아이, 예르미타주 박물관, 상트페테르부르크, 러시아
Sculptor, 정부종합청사 갤러리, 서울, 한국
To the Moon with Snoopy, 롯데뮤지엄, 서울, 한국
Place Publique, Darling Foundry, 몬트리올, 캐나다
SIMPLE 2019 : 집, 양주시립장욱진미술관, 양주, 한국
Good Night (Energy Flash), 현대카드 스토리지, 서울, 한국
2018 SeMA 신소장품 <멀티-액세스 4913>, 서울시립미술관, 서울, 한국
나나랜드, 사비나미술관, 서울, 한국
공공디자인 기획전 ‘당신의 공간은 어떤가요?’, 문화역서울, 서울, 한국
Steel Painting, 63아트 미술관, 천안, 한국
EXIT <또다른 시작>, 구슬모아당구장, 서울, 한국
Of tongues and hands, Nars Foundation, 뉴욕, 미국
Fall 2017 AIR Exhibition, Nars Foundation, 뉴욕, 미국
Elephant art & goods fair exhibition, Elephant art, 서울, 한국
Please don’t tell, studio concrete 대선제분, 서울, 한국
예술가의 방, 신한은행, 서울, 한국
APMAP 2016 MAKE LINK, 아모레퍼시픽 마술관, 용산 가족공원, 서울, 한국
암흑물질, 분더샵 청담, 서울, 한국
10 contemporary, PKM 갤러리, 서울, 한국
Funk Me, 데미안 1장. 두개의 세계, 하우스 스튜디오, 서울, 한국
Stream, Streaming Persona, PKM 갤러리, 서울, 한국
Mariah Carey, 신도시, 서울, 한국
페스티발 284 미친광장, 문화역 284, 서울, 한국
Dear_DTLA, Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles, 엘에이, 미국
로우테크놀로지 (미래로 돌아가다), 서울시립미술관, 한국
Gate-opener, 베이징 코뮨, 베이징, 중국
백만개의 층이 있는 정원, 남이섬, 경기도, 한국
청춘예찬, 홍익대학교 현대미술관, 서울, 한국
6-8, 아트선재센터, 서울, 한국
APMAP 2014 Between waves, 아모레퍼시픽 미술관, 제주, 한국
Roots of Relations, 송주앙 미술관, 베이징, 중국
Korea Tomorrow, 예술의 전당 한가람 미술관, 서울, 한국
It supposed to be black & white, 난지창작스튜디오 갤러리, 서울, 한국
끝없이 두 갈래로 갈라지는 길들, 난지창작 스튜디오 갤러리, 서울, 한국
4 dialogues, 난지창작스튜디오 갤러리, 서울, 한국
Artist’s portfolio, 사비나 미술관, 서울, 한국
Fusing Word, Hoxton Arches Gallery, 런던, 영국
The sound of the Muse London, 아트선재센터, 서울, 런던
When I spoke its name, it came to me and became a flower, 7 Rue Gustave Nadaud 75016, 파리, 프랑스
Coutts Cowley Manor 아트 어워드, 코울리, 영국
SHOW RCA, 왕립예술대학, 런던, 영국
Muse London, 영국 한국문화원, 런던, 영국
Bitter, Sweet, Thunder space, 한미 갤러리, 런던, 영국
Education Gap, 왕립 예술대학, 런던, 영국
Future of Pump House, Pump House Gallery, 런던, 영국
ZHdK + STUDIO-B, 프로젝트 스페이스 between, 런던, 영국
Space Project Sculpture, Sculpture project Space RCA, 런던, 영국
문래 예술공장 개관전, 문래 예술공장, 서울, 한국
쌈지 사운드 아트 201, 쌈지 스페이스, 서울, 한국
서교 60, 갤러리 상상마당, 서울, 한국
애피타이저, 대안공간 미끌, 서울, 한국
10 씬, 홍익대학교, 서울, 한국
Sliding the Hong, 대안공간 미끌, 서울, 한국
Pick & Picks, 대안공간 휴, 서울, 한국
Wake up Andy Warhol, 쌈지길, 서울, 한국
3일전, 덕원 갤러리, 서울, 한국
2012 Coutts Cowley Manor 아트 어워드 대상, 코울리, 영국
2017 Art Slant Prize Showcase Winner, 아트 슬란트, 미국
2022 HIAP, 헬싱키, 핀란드
2020 현대차그룹 제로원(zer01ne) 크리에이터, 서울, 한국
2019 Foundrie Darling, 고양레지던시 국제교환입주 프로그램, 몬트리올, 캐나다
2019 고양창작 스튜디오, 고양, 한국
2017 NARS 파운데이션 레지던시, 뉴욕, 미국
2012-2013 난지창작 스튜디오7기 입주작가, 서울, 한국
<…좋겠다 프로젝트>
묵음, 아라리오 뮤지엄 동문모텔2, 제주
예술가의 런치박스 .서울시립미술관
Sound 201, 쌈지 스페이스
서교60전 – 취향의 전쟁, 상상마당
토요문화기획 – 얼터너티브 보이스, 문지문화원 사이
U-T 아티스트 콜라보레이션, UNIQLO
Movie in Art, Art in Movie, 충무갤러리
특별한 수요일, LIG 아트홀
KIAF2007 신진작가발굴프로그램
헤이리 야외미술제, 헤이리
데시구엘 런칭 콜라보레이션, 원 겔러리
ONE LOVE festival, NIKE
ontree 런칭 콜라보레이션
Pick & Pick, 쌈지 스페이스
adidas adicolor 런칭 콜라보레이션, ADIDAS
청담미술제 오프닝 퍼포먼스
Rebirth, 갤러리 13.1
Bibliography / Press
2017 Oct, Hyerie Hahm, Boon the shop Magazine (Art matters), “From tragedy to comedy.”
2017 Oct, Sunjoo Lee, Topclass Magazine, “How can we overcome from our anxiety?”
2017 Oct, Sunggab Chung, Luxury, “Displaying Sculpture”
2017 Oct, Byunghak Ryu, Art in Culture, “Three dimensional shadow”
2017 Oct, Wansik Pyun, Segye ilbo, “<People who meet Pyun> Life became special thanks to the art…Focusing globalization of Korean artists”
2017 Sep, Noblesse, “Remark_FEATURE_The way to deal anxiety”
2017 Aug, Artsy, “Wonwoo Lee – How’s the weather tomorrow?”
2017 Aug, Mihyun Seol, The Neighbor, Interview “Give you good luck”
2017 Aug, Jisun Kim, Harpers Bazaar, “The way we predict tomorrow’s weather.”
2017 Aug, Jooyeon Lee, Elle, “The symbol of good luck Wonwoo Lee.”
2017 Aug, Hanbit Lee, Herald Economy, “Come to Art Sonje Center if you want to find first love”
2017 Aug 16, Ami Kim, News 1, “At the museum, we can find something you have lost”
2017 Aug 16, Geumyoung Kim, CNB Journal, “Lost items found by Wonwoo Lee at the show”
2017 Aug 15, Aran Chung, Yonhap News, “Let’s Dance when you feel anxiety, Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition at Art Sonje Center”
2017 Aug 11, Chosun ilbo, “Choice of Friday”
2017 Aug 09, Ami Kim, News 1, “Exhibition news, Wonwoo Lee”
2017 Aug 08, Blouin Artinfo, “Wonwoo Lee at Art Sonje Center, Seoul”
2017 Aug, Dodooba, “Lost and Found in the Ball”
2017 Aug, Heesung Kim, Luxury, ‘Art_Wonwoo Lee: How’s the weather tomorrow?”
2017 Aug, Dodooba, “Wonwoo Lee: “How’s the weather tomorrow?”
2017 Aug, Sewoog Hwang, Noblesse, “Gallery news_Wonwoo Lee”
2017 Aug, Ocula, “Wonwoo Lee ‘How’s the weather tomorrow?”
2017 Jul 25, Blouin Artinfo, “Wonwoo Lee at PKM Gallery, Seoul”
2017 Jul 25, Hyerie Hahm, Seoul Daily, “Good luck? breakthrough the anxiety of reality”
2017 Jul 23, Younghee Lee, Joongang Sunday, “Culture guide”
2017 Jul 18, Hoonam Lee, Joongang ilbo, “Do you believe? ‘four leaf clover’ or ‘lucky star’”
2017 Jul 17, Habit Lee, Herald Economy, “Good luck? You feel anxiety for something…”
2017 Jul 12, Ami Kim, News 1, “Star, Clover, Rainbow…folded ‘good luck’ like folded color paper”
2017 Jul 11, Seyoung Kim, Asia Economy, “What is good luck for you? – Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition”
2017 Jul 11, Hyunjoo Park, Newsis, “PKM gallery, Wonwoo Lee ‘How’s the weather tomorrow?…sculpture seems like color paper cutting”
2017 Jul 11, Aran Chung, Yonhap News, “A gallery full of stars, clovers, and rainbow”
2017 Jul 9, Kyungkab Kim, Hankyung, “Second half of year, 100 line up Korean art scene”
2017 Jul, Wolgan misool, “Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition”
2017 Jul, Eazel.net, “Wonwoo Lee : How’s the weather tomorrow?”
2016 Sep 01, Jonghyun Jeon, Space Magazine, “Unforgettable: The Years Ahead”
2016 Sep, Seoul Love (Seoul City), “Seoul is museum, public artwork which can meet up closely”
2016 Jul, Jinho Kim, Esquire, “Something disappear”
2016 Jul, Dahee, Suh, The traveller, “The way of summer vacation for people play well”
2016 Jul, Eunyoung Son, Mijin Kim, Vogue, “Nouvelle Vogue – Part 2”
2016 Jun 15, Ami Kim, Herald Economy, “<Art holic>Hanghwatang Resort”
2016 Apr 28, Joanne Shurvell, Forbes, “English Countryside Escapes: Cowley Manor, The Cotswolds”
2016 Apr, Minji Gwon, Bazaar Art, “Artist’s note, romantic comedy, Wonwoo Lee.”
2016 Mar 17, Wendy Thomson, Female Arts, “Cowley Manor Arts Awards returns for fifth year in partnership with the Royal College of Art”
2016 Mar, Dodooba, “Dark Matter, Seon hi Bahk, Mary Corse, Vernon Fisher and 8 additional artists”
2016 Mar, Sunyoung Park, Helen, “Hope something happens, Wonwoo Lee.”
2015 Oct 22, Soomin Kang, VERITAS a, “Seoul Station culture festival by 28th”
2015 Oct 15, Dongmin Kim, Bridge Economy, “<Viva 100>Seoul station…Festival 284”
2015 Oct 11, Joohyun Ryu, Joongang ilbo, “Transform of Seoul Station : From pass way to cultural street”
2015 Oct 08, SBSCNBC, “‘Culture Station 284’, Cultural events at Festival 284”
2015 Oct 02, Jungyong Noh, Global Economics, “‘Festival 284’ open at Culture Station 284”
2015 Jul 23, Nathaniel, Ainley, Creators, “New Media artists Confront the state of Youth Culture in Korea”
2015 Jul, Ocula, “Gorup Show Stream, Streaming Persona”
2015 Spr, Jaesuk Kim, Youngkyoon Lee, Noblesse ArtNow, “Special: Korean Contemporary Art.”
2015 Spr, Jaesuk Kim Noblesse ArtNow, “Reading art of right ‘Here and Now’”
2015 Feb 02, Youngkyu Shim, SPACE, “Old and New creating art: ‘Low Technology: Back to the Future’”
2015 Jan 20, Hyungseok Noh, Hangeorye, “Art of today made by technology of yesterday”
2014 Dec 26, Youngah Kim, SBS news, “Art, Questioned on reality…suggest an alternative”
2014 Dec 11, Sunjung Han, TBS, “Aesthetic of Low-technology”
2014 Dec 05, Yeonjoo Lee, Hwankyung, “Freshness derived from old technology, ‘Low-technology: back to the future’”
2014 Nov, Artsy, “Gate-opener, Beijing Commune”
2014 Nov, artinasia.com, “Gate-openwe, Beijing Commune”
2014 Sep, Nammi Chang, JJ Magazine, “Hey! Wonwoo Lee”
2014 Aug 11, Jaesook Chung, Joongang ilbo, “Arts move around between green tea farm”
2014 Jul, artinasia.com, “Between Waves – APMAP 2014 Jeju”
2014 Jun 09, Kyungkab Kim, Hankyung, “Super riches, gathering at ‘Art Olympic’ Art Basel”
2014 Jun 01, Hana Jang, Yonhap News, “In this June, Art world focuses on ‘Home of Art’ Europe”
2014 May 14, Ami Kim, Herald Economy, “Art Basel Hong Kong…Millionaire’s party begins”
2014 May, Jieon Na, Dazed, “Cover Homage project”
2014 May, artinasia.com, “PKM gallery at Art Basel hong Kong 2014”
2014 Mar, Bar and Dining, “Art walks around Seoul”
2014 Feb 23, Hyewon Jun, AsiaToday, “Is there an exhibition which can see only from pm 6 to 8?”
2014 Feb 19, Hyanghui Lee, MK news, “If you want to disappeared from the world…Art Sonje Center exhibition ‘6-8’”
2014 Feb 18, Yoonhee Huh, Chosun ilbo, “When sun goes down, come and see me”
2014 Feb 18, Misuk Go, Donga ilbo, “The museum opens when sun goes down…refugee doll hide every corner”
2014 Feb 18, Gunyoung Gwon, Joongang ilbo, “Come and see at night, Museum next to the Gyungbok palace”
2014 Feb 18, Gwanghyung Lee, Kookmin ilbo, “From 6 to 8, two hours of fun when other museums are closed…Exhibition ’6-8’ at Art Sonje Center”
2014 Feb 18, Sangdo Oh, Seoul News, “‘Welcome night guests’…transcend time and space”
2014 Feb 18, Sukbeom Chung, Hankyung, “What’s going on in museum at night?”
2014 Feb 17, Hanbit Lee, Herald Economy, “Closed museum, what happens at there late night?”
2014 Feb 17, Soonmin Chung, Financial News, “<Art walks with fnart> What happens at the museum after close the door”
2014 Feb 17, Jaekee Do, Kyunghyang, “Turn over of time and space, look around having keen senses”
2014 Feb 13, Jongup Lim, Hangeorye, “Night guest only”
2014 Feb 13, Hana Jang, Yonhap News, “What happens after museum closed”
2014 Jan 17, Inkoo Kim, Edaily, “6 pm, let’s go to the museum”
2014 Jan 14, F.OUND, “For the space where we didn’t know about…Exhibition <6-8>”
2014 Jan, Jaewoo Suh, JJ Magazine, “MAN IN SPACE_Welcome, Take Care.”
2014 Jan, Jinho Kim, Esquire, “What I’ve learned_Wonwoo Lee, make jokes seriously”
2014Jan, Kiwon Lee, Gentleman, “Look at me_Lee Wonwoo”
2013 Dec 27, Hana Jang, Yonhap News, “What exhibitions going to open next year?”
2013 Dec, Woochul Jang, GQ, “Welcome is this first time?_Is there something fun happens at Wonwoo Lee’s exhibition?”
2013 Dec, Sojin Lee, Hana Bank Magazine, “Hi, how are you? play begins right after greeting”
2013 Dec, Sangho Ahn, Nobleman, “Somewhere between comedy and tragedy”
2013 Dec, ArtHub, “Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition <Welcome, Take Care>”
2013 Dec, Jungyoon Choi, Art in Culture, “VIEWABLE_Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition”
2013 Nov 28, Design Jungle, “Tension intervene in daily life, Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition”
2013 Nov 20, Hyunjoo Park, Aju News, “5 Nanji Residency Artists have exhibition in China”
2013 Nov 17, Hyungmo Chung, Joongang Sunday, “Gallery_Youth is full of vividness”
2013 Nov 14, Sehee Hong, Sejong Economy, “Wonwoo Lee Exhibition…’Welcome, Take Care’”
2013 Nov 14, Blouin Artinfo, “Display of Young Wit at PKM Gallery”
2013 Nov 12, Inyoung Park, Yonhap News, “<Culture News> PKM Gallery Wonwoo Lee solo exhibition”
2013 Nov 12, Hyewon Lee, Union Press, “Make people laugh by using art, Young artist Wonwoo Lee”
2013 Nov 01, Boyeon Jun, Woman Daily, “<PKM Gallery> WOnwoo Lee solo exhibition ‘Welcome Take Care’”
2013 Nov, Youngran Lee, Herald Economy, “Wonwoo Lee’s works do something extraordinary pleasantly…Are you OK?”
2013 Nov, Asiart Archive, “Wonwoo Lee: Welcome Take Care”
2013 Nov, Ocula, “WONWOO LEE : Welcome, Take Care”
2013 Nov, WAPS, “Wonwoo Lee, <Welcome, Take Care>”
2013 Nov, artinasia.com, “Root of Relation”
2013 Oct 24, Boram Kim, Nocut News, “Nanji Artist Residency, ‘2013 Nanji Art Show’”
2012 Dec 13, London Pop-ups, “The Word Art Collective’s Exhibition of Emerging Artists in Hoxton”
2012 Aug 16, Art Critiqued, “A Return to Classicism”
2012 Jul 9, Design Hunter, “Postcard from Cowley Manor”
2012 Jun, Olivia Weinberg, “Cowley Manor, Coutts & RCA”
2012 May 08, SoGlos, “Cowley Manor opens RCA sculpture exhibition”
2012 Apr 07, Joongang ilbo, “Cultural events in this week”
2011 Oct 16, London Korean Link, “Bittersweet Thunderspace at Hanmi Gallery”
2011 Aug 05, Wandsworth Council, “Summer events at the Pump House”
2011 Jul, Artmap, “A future pump house: Some Ideas, Thoughts and Plans”
…Joketta Project
2015 Sep 19, Sisa IN, “Art which could not pronounced”
2015 Sep 17, Hyunsook Lee, Halla ilbo, “Special events at Arario Museum”
2015 Sep 16, Sojin Lee, Jemin alibi, “Various events on Exhibition opening at Arario Museum”
2015 Sep 16, Jaejung Lee, Asia News Agency, “‘2015 Museum night #03 party’ consolation for young immigrant to Jeju”
2007 May 16, Donghyun Ryu, Weekly Donga, “Ast, Enjoy, Contemporary art”
2007 May 08, Hyunjoo Park, Financial News, “Do not miss chance to invest on art…KIAF opens on 9”
2007 Apr 30, Kyungkab Kim, Hankyung, “5000 artworks, big market opens…2007 KIAF”
2007 Apr 23, Yup Heo, Donga ilbo, “Korean art ‘big market’ opens…Korean International Art Fair”
2006 Aug 24, Songbook Huh, Newsis, “We are Joketta Project!”
2006 Aug 23, Hyunjoo Park, Financial News, “Restaurant wall is canvas, whole street is an work of art”
2006 Aug 23, Semi Shin, Moonhwa ilbo, “Meeting with food and art, greeting autumn of Chungdam”
2006 Aug 20, Sunhwa Jang, Seoul Economy, “Enjoy Art while walking in Chungdam”